Start-up funding awarded by Santander Initiate
Timeless forms.
Responsible origins.
The Cotswolds is world renowned for its outstanding natural beauty. For centuries local materials have been harnessed to craft timeless and beautiful structures that compliment the landscape. My vision was to continue this legacy.
The Opportunity
A products provenance is of increasing importance. From the story it tells to the sustainable behaviours it reflects, sourcing and manufacturing locally to the Cotswolds was a key strategy. Hence, Cotswold Origin.
Cotswold Stone
Revered for shaping iconic British landmarks such as palaces, castles and cathedrals, Cotswold stone is an iconic hallmark of the British landscape. Historically the stone has only been used architecturally. I wanted to pioneer its use for interior homeware.
Design & Development
The vision for Cotswold Origin was to create a large range of homewear to address all budgets. From tourists to affluent homeowners. Establishing a consistent design language from the outset was critical.
Physical prototypes were crafted to rapidly evaluate designs and establish consistency across a range of product forms.
Colours, Materials and Finishes
I designed my products to seamlessly blend with the Cotswolds' distinctive material palette.
Sourcing Stone
Due to variations in iron content, the colour of Cotswold stone varies depending on its source. Adding greater specificity to its origins and provenance story.
Cotswold Stone is a challenging material to work with. I sought the expertise of skilled masons and developed my own process for sealing the stone, making it more durable and suited for use indoors.
Collecting Samples
After contacting masonry companies across the UK, I managed to find one that was suitable. Offering a balance of price, locality and quality.
Testing the market
Before investing significant resource designing and developing complex, high value products, my first step was to develop an MVP and test the market. The simplicity of tea light holders made them a perfect solution.
The Campden Table Lamp
After establishing success with the tea light holders I sought to bring to market a higher value product. I settled on a table lamp. Although material and manufacturing costs would increase, so would revenue as they could be sold for a significantly higher value.
100% Recyclable Packaging
Responsible design was foundational to the business and so it was essential to ensure all aspects of the process reflected this commitment. From carefully selecting the ink used on the printed inserts, to the packing material and tape, all materials used were 100% recyclable.
In order to bring the products to market, it was essential I acquired all of the necessary certification. From meeting the ISO standards for low-voltage consumer electronics, to ensuring the materials I sourced were demonstrably sustainable in origin.
A lesson in Compromise
Navigating constraints such as material cost, packaging and manufacturing proved to be an invaluable learning experience. I gained a first hand understanding of how all of these factors impact one another as well innovating solutions to address compromise.
© Hugh Johnston Design 2023